What Is CNG?
CNG stands for Compressed Natural Gas. It is a gaseous fuel and a mixture of hydrocarbons – mainly Methane. It is natural gas compressed up to 200 - 250 bar pressure used as an automobiles fuel.
Is CNG Safe?
As CNG is lighter than air so it disperses in air easily. Also auto ignition temperature is very high as compared to other fuels. Hence Its is absolutely Safe.
Which Type Of vehicle can be converted into CNG?
Only Spark ignited Engine vehicles can be converted into CNG by installing specially designed conversion kit.
Can a Car fitted with CNG kit run on a petrol after its CNG gets over?
Yes, As the vehicle continues to be fitted with the petrol carburettor and fuel tankeven after conversion to CNG,. The vehicle can therefore run on dual fuel, either on CNG or petrol, whenever desired, simply by flicking a switch on the dashboard.
What is the cost of Converting the vehicle on CNG -friendly one?
Based on its type and make of the vehicle the cost, may range anywhere from ` 25,000.00 to around 50,000.00.
Whether LPG Installed kit can run CNG ?
No, Because LPG & CNG have different calorific values and needs different air – fuel ratio for combustion.An LPG vehicle will not run on CNG as the two fuels are different from each other, CNG has to be stored at relatively higher pressure as compared to LPG, so the same cylinder cannot be used for both gases.
Does CNG kit and cylinder required frequent servicing?
CNG kit doesn’t require frequent servicing. It gives years of trouble-free operation. An authorized person should be consulted for service. The cylinder should undergo hydro-stretch testing every 3 years to check pressure tolerance.