Technical Guidelines for PNG Installation
Meter Positions
- Gas Meters will normally be located inside the property on wall, and use of copper pipe between MCV and consumer meter should be restricted as far as possible. The Kitchen is the preferred room to locate the meter thereby minimizing the length of the outlet pipe - work.
- The meter shall be installed in an area with adequate ventilation & Gas pipeline not to be concealed
- As a guide, a minimum ventilation area of 2% of the internal floor area of the room must be provided in the room where the meter is located. The gaps under and around doors, windows and ventilators provide adequate ventilation to the rooms of normally occupied individual domestic dwellings.
- Space near Meter installation& pipeline should not used for storage of any cleaning chemicals, harsh chemicals, rubbish or any other material prone to create any safety hazard to the meter/ pipeline and I or blocking ventilation.
- Meters must not be installed along a route that is used by more than one property as a means of a fire escape-i.e., a communal fire escape route.
- The meter shall be installed at a proper location and height, so as to facilitate safe and convenient meter reading and maintenance activities in future.
- Appliance Valve shall be fitted at least 100 mm above the kitchen platform level and at an easily accessible location.
- Steel reinforced rubber hose is connected between AV and Appliance Length of flexible hose shall be kept minimum. Max. length shoudn't exceed 1.5 meter
Pipe work in Island type Kitchen
- In some of the residences, kitchen platform is located incenter of the room and pipe work requires extending from MCV & meter (mounted on one of the wall) up to the appliance valve. Under such circumstances, pipe can be laid in flooring with adequate protection.
- Pipe work passing through flooring should take the shortest practicable route and must be sleeved.
- Pipe work laid in flooring shall be protected against corrosion and also against failure caused by movement. Pipes should be laid on the base concrete and avoid joints in the pipe section. A minimum of 65 mm screed is required on top of the concrete which will provide an approximate cover of 50 mm over a 12 mm installation pipe.
In case of screeded floors, the method of construction consists of a base concrete raft foundation onto which a cement screed is subsequently laid in order to obtain a satisfactory surface to accept the floor finish. In this case, copper pipes may be laid on top of the base concrete and subsequently covered by the screed, provided the pipe is protected from corrosion. Alternatively, the copper pipes may be laid through pre-formed PVC I HOPE sleeves I ducts with protective covers