What is Piped Natural Gas (PNG ) ?
PNG is mainly methane( CH4 )with a small percentage of other higher hydrocarbons. The ratio of carbon to hydrogen is least in methane and hence it burns almost completely making it the cleanest fuel. It is procured from the oil / gas wells and transported through a network of pipelines across the country.
Is there any storage space required for gas inside the society premises?
The Gas is transmitted via the Pipeline laid by HOGPL. Hence no storage space is required for storage inside the premises.
Is the supply of PNG regular?
An un-interrupted supply at a constant pressure is assured through PNG because, The pipeline distribution network is based on an on-line supply system that consists of safety valves and regulators that control and monitor the gas supply and pressure, and assist in identifying system leaks.
Who owns and responsible for laying the pipeline in PNG Supply?
Digging, pipe laying and resurfacing of the trench inside the society is fully HOGPL’s responsibility. But In case of damage to the equipment installed at customer’s premises by the customer, applicable charges shall be recovered before replacement/rectification from the customer only.
What is Billing Cycle ?
Billing cycle is bi – monthly
What are the various Bill payment Mode ?
Cheques , ECS , Banks , Card Payment
Is PNG is Safe ?
Natural Gas is lighter than air. Therefore, in case of a leak, it just rises & disperses into air given adequate ventilation.
Auto Ignition Temperature of NG is 542°C. Hence it can not ignite easily at low temperature.
What are Benefits of PNG over LPG ?
Being lighter than air escapes to atmosphere in case of leakage.
No possibility of adulteration
No possibility of theft
Quantity loss
Only Pay for gas entirely used as per meter. No loss.
24×7 Uninterrupted supply. No tension of booking for refill.
Being lighter than air escapes to atmosphere in case of leakage.
No possibility of adulteration
No possibility of theft
Quantity loss
Only Pay for gas entirely used as per meter. No loss.
24×7 Uninterrupted supply. No tension of booking for refill.