PNG Policy & Procedure
1. REFUND POLICY: For refund of Security Deposit, customer has to make requests through MOBILE APP/WEBSITE/or e-mail to (Kolhapur), (Ambala-Kurukshetra) and submit all relevant documents. On checking of relevant documents, HOGPL shall initiate process. Gas Consumption charges/Additional Services charges/Registration Charges are non-refundable.
2. NAME TRANSFER POLICY: Customers can download the Name transfer request form from Website/Mobile app & submit it in hard copy with required documents and make necessary payments as per HOGPL Policy. Process Flow: Name Transfer Request-> Pop-up of Downloading form for Name transfer Request should appear Customer has to make requests through MOBILE APP/WEBSITE/or e-mail to (Kolhapur), (Ambala-Kurukshetra) and submit all relevant documents
3. TEMPORARY DISCONTINUATION OF PNG POLICY: Customer has to make requests through MOBILE APP/WEBSITE/or e-mail to (Kolhapur), (Ambala-Kurukshetra) and submit all relevant documents. Temporary Disconnection ("TD") will be applicable for opted period only. Customer has to renew the TD on or before the period opted is expired by paying the requisite charges as per the Tariff Card. TD period shall never exceed more than 730 days. The customer to remain present at premise to ensure the physical disconnection. If the premise is locked at the time of TD procedure, the request stands null and void. Before TD procedure, the customer agrees to make all the outstanding amount including Temporary disconnection/reconnection, interim bill generated & full payment of balanced connection EMI charges.
Process Flow: Temporary Discontinuation of PNG-> Pop-up of Terms & Conditions shall appear-> Customer has to agree to all terms & conditions -> Customer should proceed to make payment through payment gateway-> Service Request form should appear after successful payment.
4. PERMANENT DISCONTINUATION OF PNG POLICY: Customers can download the Name transfer request form from Website/Mobile app & submit it in hard copy with required documents and make necessary payments as per HOGPL Policy. Process Flow: Permanent Discontinuation of PNG Request-> Pop-up of Downloading form for Name transfer Request should appear
Billing Procedure
Every customer is allotted a unique Customer No. Also, each customer falls in a specific zone. Bills are generated once in
two months. The first bill of a customer is generated on the basis of actual meter reading taken. An assessed bill is then
sent after two months which is again followed by an actual bill. This sequence is followed alternately.
Bill generation on Actual or Assessed basis
In case of an ACTUAL bill, the exact reading is taken as shown in the meter on a particular date and the same is reflected
in the bill. Alternatively, if reading is not available, a bill is generated on an ESTIMATED basis. Average amount of past
three billing amount will be charged.
Periodicity of ACTUAL bill
Meter reading is taken once in two months. In case reading is available, bills are raised accordingly. If no reading is
available, bills are raised on estimated basis (Based on last three actual readings). If a customer has not received three
actual bills, a standard average of 0.50 SCM per day is used while calculating the gas consumption for the number of
days between two billing cycles.
Billing cycle of a customer
Bills are generated on Bi-Monthly cycle, i.e. every two months.
Delivery of bills
HOGPL ensures the delivery of gas bills to all its domestic customers. The Postal Department is entrusted with the
delivery job keeping in mind their best services and their familiarity with the physical locations in the city. Bills are
expected to be delivered within Five Postal Working Days. A link to bill generated for the prevailing period will also be
sent via SMS to registered mobile no. If you are not receiving bills, the same can be viewed through online consumer
portal or Consumer App. Kindly Check your address and update your e-mail id and Contact Number immediately by
contacting Customer Care.
Non-receipt of gas bills
HOGPL ensures all the bills are delivered to its customers as per the respective billing cycle. In case gas bill for the said
period has not been received by the customer, our Customer Care dept. may be contacted on
9422011021(Kolhapur)/1800-180-8999 (Ambala-Kurukshetra) or an e mail be sent to (Kolhapur), (Ambala-Kurukshetra). A duplicate
bill will be provided.
If Customer is not billed on gas consumption basis.
A request/complaint to be filed providing complete details of address and contact numbers via e-mail to (Kolhapur), (Ambala-Kurukshetra). Please
mention the nature of complaint in the subject.
When customer is not using gas due to non-stay.
HOGPL should be informed in writing specifying the number of days/ months gas will not be used. As per the policy,
“MINIMUM CHARGES” are applicable while billing for such non stay periods. In case of non-stay for longer period, the
same may be communicated, and temporary disconnection process will be initiated (disconnection/re-connection
charges are applicable as per policy and have to borne by customer.) no minimum billing for such period will be charged.